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Legal Consultation
Family Law encompasses domestic issues from divorce to child custody disputes. Becoming educated and consulting with an expert family lawyer who will fight for you is your first step to saving your family.
India is a land of many cultures and religions. Each citizen of India is entitled to have his own personal laws in the matter of marriage and divorce. There are different rules and regulations for different religions.
Hiring a attorney to handle your divorce is a very important decision. Before you hire a divorce attorney, you’ll likely have a consultation during which the attorney can size up your case and answer your questions.
A good lawyer can often influence the outcome of a legal dispute. Whether you are accused for a crime against a person (like assault or murder), a crime against property (like shoplifting or theft), or any other criminal offense, a criminal lawyer can help.
General Legal
We provide all types of legal consultants in writing and verbal as needed and required. Our legal consultations covering variety of private matters and business transactions including without limitation. We focus in details to carefully analysis the client’s legal matters, issues and facts.
Recovery of Money
Recovery of money in India can be a very difficult task at times, and deciding as to which law will be applicable even more. Thus, it is advisable that you hire an expert debt recovery lawyer in India to recover your money. You can also opt for outside Court settlements.
Civil law is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens, offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such as contracts, torts, property and family law.