Consumer Matter

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We all are consumers. We purchase things daily as per our requirements. These things may be our necessary requirements, our comfortable requirements or our luxurious requirement. We consume every day and in every port of our life. As a matter of fact these consumption are the back-bone of the world economy.

As the markets are globalizing therefore the link between manufacturer and the consumer getting distant, post purchase grievances have to be heard through a strong redressal system. Consumer forum or consumer courts are set up under Consumer Protection Act, 1986. It is the right platform to provide simple and quick redressal against consumer complaints at District, State and National Level. The district forum where the complaints compensation less than 23 lakhs are being soughed is commonly known as the “Pecuniary Jurisdiction”

Of consumer redressal forum. The State forum deals with complaints where the value of the goods as well as services claimed does not exceed more than one crore whereas the National forum deals with the complaints where the value of compensation against goods and services claimed more than one crore.

Our core belief is that all people have the right to access goods of requirement in a good quality along with its good services. If its quality and services go wrong, we are red to provide and offered effective solutions to our clients.

If the consumer forum hears the complaints and decides that the company is at fault then they can order the company to take the following actions: –

  • Repair defect free of cost;
  • Issue a full refund of the price;
  • Withdraw the sale of the product altogether from the market;
  • Correct deficiencies in the product as per the claim;
  • Replace product with similar superior product;
  • Discontinue any unfair trade practice or whatsoever it concern;
  • Issue correction advertisement over earlier misrepresentation;

Consumer Protection Act

The Act which provide better protection of the interest of consumers against deficiencies and defects in goods and services. Consumer Protection Act 1986 seeks to secure and ensure the rights of a consumer against unfair or in genuine trade practices. This Act was came into effect in 1986.

Under the consumer Protection Act 1986 following rights have been given to the consumers:-

  • Right to safety
  • Right to information
  • Right to choice
  • Right to Representation
  • Right to seek Redressal
  • Right to consumer education

Right to Safety: This right enables consumers to be protected against the marketing of goods and services which is important for safe and secure life. It includes concern for consumer’s long term interest as well as their present requirement. This right to safety protects the consumer from sale of defective hazardous goods or services.

Right to Information: It is an Act which sets out the rules and procedures for the citizen. Under the provision of this Act citizen of India may request information from a Public Authority or equivalent body which required to reply within thirty days. In case of matter involving life and liberty of the petitioner, then information has to be provided within 48 hours. This law was came into force in 2005, But the information disclosure in India is restricted under Official Secrets Act 1923. This Act was popularly known as RTI.

Right to Choice: Right to choice refers an individual for freedom of selection commodities as per the interest of the people but it must be acceptable as per the law. The constitution of India provides right of choose under Article 21. However courts are interpreting this Article of constitution of India to give depth and details to the internal aspects mainly the right to privacy and to make an individual’s own choice. The government of India is committed to freedom of choice and right to privacy of citizen.

Right to representation: Under Article 14 of the constitution provides the right of representation to citizen and it has been cleared that the state shall not deny to any person equality before the laws within the territories of India. This Act guaranteed people as an essential fundamental right and the people have the right to fee legal aid or free legal services.

A lawyer can help explain the issue in an ordinary manner, cross examination of witnesses of concerned parties. The right to representation by a lawyer or other person may prove to be part of principles of Natural justice in any proceedings.

Right to Consumer Education: Right to consumer education means the right of people acquired the knowledge and skill to be informed consumer throughout life. To educate consumer especially from rural are for point of protection of their exploitation is the main purpose. This is the preparation of an individual to be capable of making informed decisions before purchasing products as per their requirements. It covers various consumer goods & services, prices, compositions, standard trade practices, etc. It protects the consumer from large companies that provides products and services. This bill enable consumer to know more about the products what they purchase.

Right to Redressal: According to the consumer Protection Act 1986, the government of India enabled the consumer courts like District Consumer disputes Redressal Commission and National Consumer disputes. Redressal Commission has been incorporated. This jurisdictions address consumer cases between businessman and consumers. This is the right to seek redressed against unfair practices or restrictive trade practices. It also includes right to fair settlement of the grievances of the consumer.

We are expertise having years of experience basically before Supreme Court as well as Delhi High Court in all above stated consumer matters. We have resolved matters in various different rights of the people on the efficient forum.

  • Invoices relating to provision of goods and services
  • Proof of payment 
  • Proof of deficiency in goods or services provided
  • Any written/recorded communication with the goods/service provider regarding the matter

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