Domestic violence

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The violence against children, parents or spouse are called the domestic violence. It takes in a number of forms including physical, verbal, religious, economic, emotional and sexual abuse including abusing, beating, and chocking as well as acid throwing. Domestic murders include bride burning, honor killing, stoning and dowry deaths. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors in any relationship that is used by one member to gin or maintain control over another member. Many types of abuses are included in domestic violence. In some cases that is very common when abusers may not realize that they are imposing domestic violence on someone else.

Types of Violence

Physical Violence: It includes biting, hitting. Battering, slapping, punching, shoving, pulling hair, burning, cutting, pinching, etc. It also includes forcing someone for drug/ alcohol, etc.

Sexual Violence: When someone forcing other without victim’s consent for sexual contact or sexual behavior, this type of activities come under the sexual violence. It usually takes the form of marital rape, attacking sexual part of the body, physical violence followed by forcing sex.

Emotional Violence: An emotional violence often takes the form of criticism or interfering with the abilities of the victims.  It involves invalidating or deflating the sense of self- worth of the victim.

Economic Violence: when someone tries to make victim’s financial reliant,. They often try to maintain completely control over financial resource without the consent of the victims or though the prohibited way.

Psychological Violence: when someone invoking fear through extortion threatening to physically hurt to either victim or his children including any members of the family as well as his loved one. It also involves to hit, injure or use of weapon for threatening.

Constitutional Provision of Domestic Violence

Under Section 113A of the Indian Evidence Act, Section 498A and 304B of the Indian Penal Code, the  Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 and Specially Domestic Violence Act which come in effect from October, 2006. These are the laws deal with Domestic violence.

However in the context of domestic violence the effect of such law is limited and therefore it offers an expert lawyer having years of experience on different forum.  We have adaptable team of such lawyers who have resolved many cases of our clients.

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