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Legal Services
Court Marriage
Couples from different nationality, religion, and caste can solemnize and register their marriage through a simple procedure carried out in the presence of marriage registrar and 3 witnesses.
Marriage Certificate
Just like every marriage, marriage registration is also unique. The set of documents may vary based on your and your spouse’ religion, place of marriage and place of stay.
Mutual Consent Divorce
When both partners are in mutual agreement to part ways and end their marriage, a joint petition for divorce by mutual consent is filed in Family Court.
Arya Samaj Marriage
Marriages in Arya Samaj Mandir are solemnised as per traditional vedic rituals. Couples looking for a simple and economical marriage can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage which can be completed within 2-4 hours.
Domestic violence
Domestic violence or family violence is violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting. Domestic violence can also involve violence against children, parents, or the elderly.
Cheque Bounce
In case of a dishonoured cheque, if there is no payment within 15 days of sending legal notice, you need to file a criminal complaint in Court to recover the amount.
Cheque Bounce – Legal Notice
In case of a cheque bounce, a legal notice needs to be sent first before filing of the criminal complaint in Court. The legal notice must be sent within 30 days from the date of bouncing of the cheque.
Consumer Matter
Send a legal notice as a final communication to service or goods provider to resolve an issue and claim compensation before you file a case against them in a court of law.
Name Change
In India, there are numerous reasons for a person to change his/her name. The process of changing one’s name is time-consuming with a lot of administrative formalities.
Birth Certificate
A Birth Certificate in India is the most important identity document and serves to establish the date of one’s birth to be used as proof for future refrences.
Unpaid Salary
Send a legal notice as a final communication to your employer to resolve the issue and clear all your pending dues before you file a case against them in a court of law.
Wrongful Termination
Send a legal notice as a final communication to your employer to resolve the issue before you file a case against them in a court of law.
Legal Heir
When a family member passes away, the legal heir of the deceased can apply for a legal heir certificate . The certificate is used for inheriting property left behind by the dead person.